Public Works

The Borough of Sinking Spring Public Works Department maintains roughly 14 miles of roads with 4 full-time and 1 part-time employee.

Curbside Leaf Collection

The Borough provides leaf collection during the fall season from mid-October to the first week in December, weather permitting. Residents should place their leaves in the street along the curb line. Placing leaves in uniform sized rows along the curb as opposed to placing them in big piles expedites the collection process. This collection is for leaves only. Do not place tree branches or any other yard waste out for collection. Please do not park cars on top of leaf piles or in from of the piles or they will not be picked up.

Crews will continue to rotate throughout the Borough during the collection period. Specific collection dates cannot be set due to unforeseen weather conditions, equipment breakdowns and staffing levels. If heavy rain is predicted, we suggest you wait until after the storm passes to place your leaves in the street. Leaf piles could prevent the flow of storm water and clog storm drains.

Residential Yard Waste

All yard waste, such as grass clippings, leaves, and small branches, should be dropped off at the Borough of Sinking Spring Yard Waste site located in the rear of 152 Woodrow Avenue. Do not place any yard waste in with the trash; it will NOT get picked up.

Collection of Christmas Trees

The public works department conducts curbside collections of Christmas trees for our residents. Trees must be placed at the curb with all lights, tree stands and ornaments removed from the tree. Collection will start after Christmas and continue until mid-January.

Municipal Snow Removal Policy

As we approach winter, we are taking this opportunity to provide a summary of the Municipal Snow Removal Policy and Share some helpful guidelines:

At the start of the storm, all trucks are sent out to their assigned areas with the instruction to salt hills, intersections and curve areas first, then all other areas. When there is sufficient depth to the storm to warrant plowing, the drivers are instructed to make one pass in each direction on the street and to make one pass in and one pass out in the cul-de-sacs. Heavily traveled roads will be plowed first and then less traveled areas, as well as developments and cul-de-sacs. After each one is passable, the procedure of pushing back the snow to the road edge and cleaning out the cul-de-sacs will begin. This operation may not begin until the following day or days depending upon the severity of the storm. The road crew does their best to keep the roads passable and to not push snow into driveways, around mailbox areas or damage grass in the right-of-way.

Thank you for your patience during the winter season.

Declaration of Snow Emergency- Parking Prohibitions

In order to facilitate the movement of traffic and to combat the hazards of excessive snow and ice, the Mayor may declare an emergency due to such hazards. After an emergency has been declared, it shall be unlawful, during the period of such emergency, for any person to park a vehicle, or to allow the same to remain parked, on the entire length of the following roadways; Columbia Avenue, Mull Avenue, Penn Avenue and Woodrow Avenue.

Alternate Side Parking

During the course of any snowfall with accumulations in excess of three (3) inches, parking shall be prohibited on the odd-numbered (house numbers ending in 1,3,5,7,9) side of all Borough streets until such time as plowing is completed on said side of the street.
24 hours following a snowstorm, parking shall be prohibited on the even-numbered (house numbers ending in 0, 2, 4, 6, 8) side of all Borough streets, and on Vester Place in its entirety, until such time as plowing, salting, and/or cindering is completed on said streets.
Streets: It is unlawful for any person, tenant or corporation to shovel, push, snow blow or plow snow from any sidewalk, driveway or other area into any Borough street.
Sidewalks: Within 24 hours after any snowfall shall have ceased or ice has formed, the owner or occupant of any premises shall clear a minimum of 30 inch path over such sidewalk.

Helpful guidelines to follow:

  • Park off the road and in your driveway if you have one.
  • Wait to shovel snow from the last five feet of your driveway until the roadway is plowed to full width.
  • Do Not put snow on the streets or on neighboring properties. It is illegal to shovel or blow snow onto Borough or state roads.
  • For your safety, if there is a fire hydrant on your property, please clear the snow from the hydrant.


Please keep the face of the mailbox a minimum of 2 to 3 feet off the edge of the road. The cutting edge on the plow is 18” from the edge of the plow.
The mailbox owner is responsible for repair or replacement of the mailbox if the mailbox was damaged by the pressure of the plowed snow, and there was no physical contact with the snow plow equipment.

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